Want to Buy an Expensive Camera? Wait!

Want to Buy an Expensive Camera? Wait!

April 03, 2018 3 Comments

Your smartphone camera is better than you think it is!

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Hashtag Cannibalism

Hashtag Cannibalism

February 10, 2017 19 Comments

Most of the time, our hashtags can be useless. Especially if we use the same ones on every single post.

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Be a Content Creator

Be a Content Creator

February 10, 2017 4 Comments

Be a content creator. Do not just steal someone's work and use it as your own!

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Digital Crime

Digital Crime

February 10, 2017 5 Comments

Reposting a picture without crediting the author is a huge problem in the Instagram community.

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We Are Not Against Technology

We Are Not Against Technology

February 10, 2017 5 Comments

“If this is an offline page, how do you even post? Isn’t that like against your message?” You won’t believe how many people ask us this question!

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